Mr. Bhaskar Choradia, nominated as part-time Government Director on the Board of Indian Railway Finance Corporation is an Indian Railway Accounts Service officer, holds the charge of Executive Director Finance (Budget) in Railway Board w.e.f.28.10.2020. Earlier to this assignment, he has worked as the Director for Government eMarketplace,Government of India (GOI) since September 2017 on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme. He has headed the marketing, capacity-building and customer relationships for this marquee initiative of GOI. He was instrumental in setting up the human resource and finance verticals of the newly incorporated GeM SPV.
He graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India (Erstwhile University of Roorkee) in 1996 and joined the Government of India in 2000.
In his career as a Railway Officer he has the experience of working in various capacities in Accounts and Finance Departments of zonal railways i.e. West Central Railway, Southern and Northern Railways and in Railway Board. He has worked in Railway Divisions, Workshops and on Headquarters. While in Railway Board he has worked in the Budget Directorate dealing with the preparation and presentation of the Railway Budget and its execution. As Director in Stores Finance dte in Railway Board he was involved in preparation of Rolling Stock Programme, M&P Programme for Indian Railways.
He has also attended various training programmes on Management, Public Administration, Tendering, Public Policy etc in India and abroad at Institutes like RSC/Vadodara, NIFM/Faridabad, University of California, Berkeley/USA etc.