
Active Tenders

S.No Tender Code Tender Title Submission Date Status Download
11 Project Appraisal /2021-22/01 Appointment of agency for appraisal of the projects proposed to be funded by IRFC. Open
12 IRFC/01/Credit Policy/2021-22/01 Appointment of an agency for drafting the Credit/Lending Policy of IRFC Open
13 RFC/Admn/Store/LTI (2021-22) Limited Tender for Printing of Letter Heads & Cobra File Open
14 IRFC/Admn/160/Vol.IX/AR(2020-21) Quotation for Printing 34th Annual Report (2020-21) Open
15 Bonds/2021-22/DT Appointment of Trustee for the bond issues to be launched by IRFC during next three Financial Years i.e. FY 2021-22, FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24 Open

Tender Awardeed on nomination

Name of the Firm Awarded to Description of work Date of Award Value of Award
M/s RailTel corporation Implementation of ERP and other business modules along with servers for cloud hosting and DR services 02.05.2022 Rs. 20.81Cr plus GST