Journey of NCD About MoC

About National Cooperative Database(NCD)

The Ministry of Cooperation was constituted on 6th July, 2021 with a mandate, inter alia to strengthen cooperative movement in the country & deepening its reach up to grassroots; and creation of appropriate policy, legal & institutional framework to help cooperatives realize their potential. To fulfil this mandate, the process for developing a National Cooperative Database has been initiated by the Ministry in consultation with the State/UT Governments, National Cooperative/Federations, Central line Ministries and all other Stakeholders at various levels. Keeping in view the diverse nature and size of cooperative sector, it was decided to develop the database in a phased manner The benefits of National Cooperative Database are:

  • A single point access to information on about 8 lakh Cooperative Societies.
  • Identifying gaps in terms of geographical spread of Cooperative Societies.
  • Information on vertical and horizontal linkages amongst cooperatives.
  • Facilitate planning, policy making & implementation for all stakeholders.
  • A Comprehensive, Authentic and Updated data repository.


Despite India being home to almost 25% of total cooperative societies in the world and with history of cooperative movement in India dating back to more than a century, there was no comprehensive, authentic and updated data repository in the country about cooperatives, their activities, members, financial details, etc.

The Ministry of Cooperation was constituted on 6th July, 2021 with a mandate, inter alia to strengthen cooperative movement in the country & deepening its reach up to grassroots; and creation of appropriate policy, legal & institutional framework to help cooperatives realize their potential. To fulfil this mandate, the process for developing a National Cooperative Database was initiated by the Ministry in consultation with the State/UT Governments, National Cooperative Federations, Central line Ministries and all other Stakeholders at various levels.

The objective of developing National Database of Cooperatives is to provide a single point access to authentic and updated information on about 8 lakh cooperatives of various sectors across the country. The National Cooperative Database capture data on several parameters related to cooperatives i.e. location details, no. of members, economic activities, their upward & downward linkages, level of operations, use of ICT, employment, inputs & output, financial & non-financial transactions, assets & liabilities, etc.

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Committees formed for National Cooperative Database (NCD) Implementation:

Various teams like Development Team, Coordination Team and Team of State Officers were engaged to execute the NCD.

Data Captured

  • Identification-Related Data
  • Society Particulars
  • Area of Operation
  • Published Financial Data
  • Operative Details
  • Infrastructure and Membership Details
  • Products, Services and Schemes

Source of Data

  • All State and District Registrar Offices of Cooperative Societies (SRCS & DRCS)
  • Office of Functional Registrars for certain sectors like Dairy, Fishery, Housing, Marketing, Handloom etc.
  • District and State Unions/Federations/Banks
  • State Federations, National Federations
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