Ministry of Cooperation

Ministry of Cooperation was created by transferring the existing entries related to cooperation and cooperative in the business of the erstwhile Ministry of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare vide Cabinet Secretariat’s Gazette Notification dated 6th July, 2021.

The Ministry is headed by Shri Amit Shah, Hon’ble Minister for Cooperation and assisted by Shri Krishan Pal and Shri Murlidhar Mohol, Hon’ble Ministers of State for Cooperation. Secretary, Cooperation is the administrative head of the Ministry. Secretary, Cooperation is assisted by one Additional Secretary, two Joint Secretaries and one Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies.

The Ministry is responsible for providing a separate administrative, legal and policy framework for strengthening the cooperative movement in country. Its aims to deepen co-operatives as a true people-based movement reaching up to the grassroots and develop a cooperative based economic model where each member works with a spirit to responsibility. The principal activities of the Ministry include streamlining processes for ‘Ease of doing business’ for co-operatives and enabling development of Multi-State Co-operative Societies. It lays emphasis on strengthening, bringing transparency, modernization, computerization, creating competitive cooperatives, working constantly to meet the challenge of accessibility to development for every underprivileged in rural areas and on connecting every village with cooperatives, making every village prosperous with the mantra of “Sahakar se Samriddhi” and through this making the country prosperous.

Vision of the Ministry of Cooperation

The main mandate of the Ministry is realization of vision ‘Cooperation to Prosperity’, strengthening of cooperative movement in the country & deepening its reach up to the grassroots, promotion of cooperative-based economic development model and creation of appropriate policy, legal and institutional framework to help cooperatives realize their potential. The Ministry, under the able leadership of Shri Amit Shah, Hon’ble Home and Cooperation Minister, is making intensive efforts to carry out the above mandate in a time bound manner.

The Cooperatives Principles

The 7 universally accepted Cooperative Principles:-

  • Open and Voluntary Membership
  • Democratic Member Control
  • Member's Economic Participation
  • Autonomy and Independence
  • Education, Training, and Information
  • Cooperation Among Cooperatives
  • Concern for Community
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